We're We3 👋

- A free mobile app that connects you with the most compatible people nearby.

- How? We use quizzes to create deep psychographic profiles of users and use social science and machine learning to privately connect them in group chats of 3.

    Why 💡

    - The strongest predictor of your overall happiness is not beauty, health, social status, or even wealth—it’s the quality of your close relationships.

    - As a society, we’re growing increasingly isolated, and it’s killing us.

    - Our Mission is to eradicate loneliness, and create life-changing friendships at scale.

      We’re a Startup 🚀

      - We’re a team of 3 entrepreneurs. That’s it.

      - We get sh*t done. With no funding, we’ve reached half a million people.

        You are...👇

        - Hungry to have a massive impact in the world.

        - Ready to take on more responsibility than the stage in your career suggests.

        - Eager to learn fast and apply your learnings.

        - Comfortable working in a fast-changing decision-making environment.

        - Confident enough to interrupt when you don’t understand.

        - Low ego, and self-aware enough and notice when you are wrong.

        - Capable of thinking and communicating clearly, in writing and person.

        - Disciplined enough to work effectively at home.

          • Stock Options

          • Flexible work-hours

          • Travel Included (Bed --> Desk)

          • Pet-Friendly (pet not included)

          • Not sure what this icon is about

          • Underpants Optional